The Brownlee Brothers at Home (video)

“Swimming is a very technical sport,” observes Olympic gold medalist Alistair Brownlee. “Of the three sports in triathlon, it’s definitely the one you can make the most gains in technically.”

To develop technical swimming skills, Alistair and his brother, Olympic bronze medalist Jonny, use their Elite Endless Pool®.

Alistair finds Endless Pools’ underwater swim mirrors particularly useful. “Everyone who swims knows that what you feel you’re doing with your hands and what you’re actually doing are two very different things,” he says wryly.

Interviewed in this video by popular UK television presenter Charlie Webster, the Brownlees also recount how they’ve used the Endless Pools Underwater Treadmill for injury rehab.

“I tore my Achilles in early 2012,” Alistair recalls “I missed probably six weeks, if not more, of running in the crucial six months before the Olympics, and I wanted to catch that up. ... The Endless Pool allowed me to do that.” And that would be his gold-medal victory!

When Jonny had a stress fracture, he reports being “told I wasn’t going to be able to run for 12 weeks. … Thanks to the Endless Pool, I was back in seven or eight weeks.”

“You’re still getting the same long workout,” he notes, “but you’re not getting the same impact on the ground.”